21 post articles, 3 pages.
Welcome to Cerebrate Project, the open source trusted directory and orchestrator software for security tools
Cerebrate is an open-source platform meant to act as a trusted contact information provider and interconnection orchestrator for other security tools (such as MISP).News
Cerebrate version 1.4 released - the open source companion to ISACs, CSIRTs and SOCs
Cerebrate version 1.4 released - OpenAPI integration, improvements and many fixes
We are happy to announce the 1.4 release of Cerebrate, a stability and bug-fix release resolving a long list of issues that have plagued Cerebrate so far.
Integration test
This release adds the first revision of the CI suite developed by @righel, allowing us to ...
Cerebrate version 1.2 released - the open source companion to ISACs, CSIRTs and SOCs
Cerebrate 1.2 released - the open source companion to ISACs, CSIRTs and SOCs
In the scope of the Open platform and tools to facilitate the collaboration among Computer Security Incident Response Teams project funded by the EU commission, CIRCL is pleased to announce the 1.2 release of Cerebrate, an open source security orchestration tool for CS...
Cerebrate version 1.1 released - the open source companion to ISACs, CSIRTs and SOCs
Cerebrate 1.1 released - the open source companion to ISACs, CSIRTs and SOCs
In the scope of the Open platform and tools to facilitate the collaboration among Computer Security Incident Response Teams project funded by the EU commission, CIRCL is pleased to announce the 1.1 release of Cerebrate, an open source security orchestration tool for CS...
Cerebrate 1.0 Release_notes
Cerebrate 1.0 released
We are pleased to announce the first official release of Cerebrate. Whilst it is still early days for the project, our hope is that the platform in its current state already brings a notable improvement.
What is Cerebrate?
Cerebrate is a new open source tool, aiming to address several deficiencies in our tool chains, in...
First release of Cerebrate - the open source companion to ISACs, CSIRTs and SOCs
First release of Cerebrate - the open source companion to ISACs, CSIRTs and SOCs
In the scope of the Open platform and tools to facilitate the collaboration among Computer Security Incident Response Teams project funded by the EU commission, CIRCL is pleased to announce the first release version of Cerebrate (1.0), an open source security orche...